Unit 16: Overview & Integration

Overview & Integration

Core 4:



2F: Builds a sense of community among participants

CASEL Competencies:

Self-Management, Self-Awareness, & Responsible Decision Making

6DQ: Engagement in Learning

Expectation: Facilitating respectful response and reflection among students that opens up new approaches or ideas for next steps or new works


As the year draws to an end, it is important to look back and reflect on all that we have learned and the many ways that we have grown. We are a community and have experienced many good times together. We have laughed together, cried together, read together, played together, learned together and listened to one another. Our community has made us stronger, better people because of all the wonderful things we have to teach each other. As we look ahead to our future, don’t forget all the things that you learned this year. Take some time this week to reflect back on the different things you learned from your community? Write down the ones that you don’t want to forget and take them with you boldly into the future! Continue to dream, work hard and persevere and never forget the importance of your voice and the strength of your actions!

Reflection Questions


  • What have you learned from your peers this year? 
  • Why is it important to reflect on all of the things you have learned? 
  • What are some things you learned this year that you don’t want to forget next year? 
  • What about your community are you most thankful for? 
  • Why is community so important? 
  • What are you looking forward to next year? 



Arts/Crafts Reflection Questions


  • How can you use art to celebrate the past? 
  • Why is it important to reflect on your work? 
  • What are you most proud of about your art today? 
  • What have you learned about art this year? 
  • Take some time to celebrate the work of others!


Games/Physical Activity Reflection Questions

  • When playing games, why is it important to celebrate our teams? 
  • How did your team celebrate each other and encourage each other today? 
  • Even if you don’t win, it is important to celebrate. What about your team are you most thankful for today?
  • What did your team teach you today?