Age Group: PreK – 5th
Number of Students:4 students or more, preferably an even number- students will be in pairs
Duration: 15-20 minutes +
Students will practice perspective taking as they describe secret objects to each other
Open space
Chairs for each student
K-2nd only: typically found, random objects, such as balls, cones, pillows, art supplies, game pieces, nets, scooters, mats — anything that can be found in a gym and/or a classroom
Gather students in an open space and have them sit in chairs, in pairs, back to back.
Instructors can choose to have each pair of students go at the same time, or, have only one pair go at one time in the center of the room, while the other students watch and listen.
Explain the game.
Instructor: “In pairs, seated in chairs back to back (so players can’t see each other), choose a partner A and a partner B. Partner B will go first. Partner B will think of an everyday type of object (3rd-5th can use their own imagination, prek-2nd might need objects in the room to use), and partner B will describe said object to the best of their ability without naming it or giving it away. Partner A will have 3 chances to guess the object. If they guess correctly, they get to describe the next object. If they guess incorrectly, partner B gets to go again.”
Again, the instructor can choose to have all pairs working at the same time or have students watch each pair. If all students work together, then have them switch partners after they have each described their objects. If students are working one pair at a time, once each has gone, then a new set of partners can come up.
Show an example with a student.
Begin game
*Variation* If you like, the students can draw what their partner is describing and see if they can guess from the drawing.
Reflection Questions:
1. What type of hints did you provide to help your partner guess the object you had chosen?
2. How did it feel being the student trying to guess the object?
3. How did it feel being the student picking the object and giving hints?
4. Did you face any challenges while playing this game? Explain.