Unit 8

Skills Building: Our House is on Fire: Greta Thurburg's Call to Save the Planet (PK - 5th)

Unit 8 Skills Building

Written by Jeanette Winter

Pre- Reading Questions

  1. Did you ever take a stand for something you believed in? If so, what did you
    do to take initiative?
  2. How did others react to you taking a stand for something you felt strongly
  3. What steps did you take to get others to help you?
  4. Were you able to achieve what you wanted to accomplish when you took a

Post- Reading Questions

  1. Why did Greta feel like she was invisible, and how did she become more visible to her peers?
  2. When Greta researched information about Global Warming, what did she discover?
  3. Why do you believe that Greta felt emotional about the information she l earned, and what did she do to change the way she felt?
  4. What did Greta mean, when she referred to the house being on fire?
  5. How did people react when Greta decided to skip school and start to strike?
  6. How did Greta encourage her peers to take initiative?

Creative Enrichment Activity: Allies and Advocates Poster (3-5)

Overview: In the book, Our House is on Fire, Greta Thurnberg takes a stand for climate change and uses her voice to advocate for our planet. Through her small voice, a movement was started that was heard around the world by not only children, but top policy makers and environmentalists. Greta Thurnberg is a true example of how powerful the voice of a child can be. In this activity, students will use their voices to bring awareness to and advocate for their community. Together, students can make the world a better place.


  • Construction Paper
  • White computer paper (cut in half)
  • Markers, crayons or colored pencils
  • Scissors
  • Glue sticks

Duration: 40 minutes

  • 5 minutes: Explain activity and form groups
  • 5 minutes: Group brainstorm
  • 15 minutes: Create posters
  • 5 minutes: Assemble
  • 5 minutes: Clean up
  • 5 minutes: Reflect


  1. Before the activity, gather materials and cut white computer paper in half. 
  2. Gather students together and discuss the power of using their voice and ways they can use their voice to help the environment. Brainstorm together and then break into teams of 3-5. 
  3. Have groups spread out and brainstorm what issues or solution they want to advocate for in order to help the planet (i.e. Recycle, use less water, Throw away trash, carpool, etc.)
  4. Staff should go around and check in with groups when they have decided and ensure that it is framed in the positive. For example, if a group said their poster would say, “Don’t Litter!” have them figure out a way to say it in the positive like, “Throw Away Trash.” 
  5. Staff will use markers to write each groups topic large on a piece of construction paper.
  6. Pass out a half sheet of white paper to each student and have students write their names on them.
  7. Have students illustrate ideas on how to achieve their chosen topic. For example, if the group chose the topic, “Throw trash away,” they might draw pictures of people throwing trash away. If they said, “Save Water,” they might draw pictures about ways to save water. 
  8. Using a glue stick, attach the team pictures around the edges of the team construction paper. 
  9. Clean up.
  10. Have groups take turns standing up and sharing about the poster their team created.
  11. Reflect.

Reflection Questions: 

  1. Why did your team choose your topic? 
  2. How does it feel to use your voice to make a better world? 
  3. What are some ways you could use your voice to make the school environment a better place? 
  4. How does it feel when your voice is heard by others? 
  5. How can you continue to use your voice to make the world a better place?

Youth Voice Posters