Skills Building: Thank You, Omu! (PK-5)

Written and illustrated by Oge Mora

Pre Reading Questions

  1. Who is one person that you are thankful for?
  2. What does that person do that makes you feel thankful? Why are you thankful for them?
  3. Who is thankful for you? Why do you think that they are thankful for you?

Post Reading Questions

  1. At the end of the book, Omu says that, even though she did not get to eat any of her stew, it was the best dinner she had ever had. Why do you think it was the best dinner she had ever had?
  2. In the story, Omu gives and gives until she has no stew left for herself. Think of a time that you have been a giver, like Omu, and given something to others even if it meant you had less.
  3. At the end of the story, the boy says, “We are not here to ask…we are here to give.” What is one thing you can give or do for others this week?
  4. We sometimes take people we love for granted and do not say thank you as much as we should. Think of someone you are thankful for; how can you show them that you are thankful for them this week?

Creative Enrichment Activity: Pot of Thankfulness (PK-2)

Overview: In the book Thank You, Omu!, Omu shares her stew with everyone and in turn they provide a feast for her as well. In this activity, students will create their own pot of thankfulness for someone in their own lives to encourage and appreciate!


● Pot template print out (1 per student: single-sided). Download template.
● Markers, crayons or colored pencils
● Scissors
Glue stick

Duration: 40 minutes

3 minutes: Explain activity and pass out templates
15 minutes: Fill out and color templates
2 minutes: Clean up
10 minutes: Assemble pots
5 minutes: Clean up
5 minutes: Reflect


  1. Before the activity, print out “Pot of Thankfulness” template, single-sided and one per student. Cut out Pot Template for students ahead of time so that they only have to cut out the writing page.
  2. Gather students together and have them brainstorm one person in their life who always helps them. The person they choose will be the recipient of their “Pot of Thankfulness.”
  3. Pass out “Pot of Thankfulness” template (Note: each student should have a lid, a pot and one writing page).
  4. Have students start by writing the person’s name that they are thankful for on the front of the pot, under the words, “Thank you!”
  5. Next, read the prompts out loud to the students.
  6. Have students go through and draw pictures to answer the different prompts. These prompts included: “Thank you for…” “I am grateful for you because…” “What I like most about you…” and “What makes you special…”
  7. When completed, students can color their pot and writing page. Encourage the students to fill up the entire thing with lots of different colors to make it bright and fun!
  8. After 15 minutes, instruct students to clean up their coloring utensils and pencils.
  9. Pass out scissors and glue.
  10. Students will cut around the outside of the writing page, making sure to keep the tabs attached on the ends. Staff may need to assist with this step.
  11. Once the template is cut out, students will fold their writing page on the dotted lines provided.
  12. Next, glue the tabs to the back of the lid and to the back of the pot template. When the lid is on the pot, the writing page will be hidden; opening the lid shows the contents of the “thankfulness stew.”
  13. Clean up all supplies and have students gather to reflect.
  14. Allow students to share their pot with a partner or small group.

Reflection Questions

  • How did you decide who you would make your “Pot of Thankfulness” for?
  • How did you feel during this activity?
  • How does the person you wrote to make you feel?
  • What does this person do that you are most thankful for?
  • Why is it important to tell others why we are grateful for them?
  • Who are some other people that you could also write about if we did this activity again?
  • Make sure to give your “Pot of Thankfulness” to the person you wrote to and thank them for all they have done for you!

Creative Enrichment Activity: Pot of Thankfulness (3-5)

Overview: In the book Thank You, Omu!, Omu shares her stew with everyone and in turn they provide a feast for her as well. In this activity, students will create their own pot of thankfulness for someone in their own lives to encourage and appreciate!


● Pot template print out (1 per student: single-sided). Download template.
● Markers, crayons or colored pencils
● Scissors
Glue stick

Duration: 40 minutes

3 minutes: Explain activity and pass out templates
15 minutes: Fill out and color templates
2 minutes: Clean up
10 minutes: Assemble pots
5 minutes: Clean up
5 minutes: Reflect


  1. Before the activity, print out “Pot of Thankfulness” template, single-sided and one per student.
  2. Gather students together and have them brainstorm one person in their life that is always helping them that they are thankful for. Have students go around and share who this person is. The person they choose will be who their “Pot of Thankfulness” will be written to.
  3. Pass out “Pot of Thankfulness” template (Note: each student should have two papers; one pot and one writing page).
  4. Have students start by writing the person’s name that they are thankful for on the front of the pot, under the words, “Thank you!”
  5. Next, have students go through and answer the different prompts to their chosen person. These prompts included: “Thank you for…” “I am grateful for you because…” “What I like most about you…” and “What makes you special…”
  6. When completed, students can draw pictures and color their pot and writing page. Encourage the students to fill up the entire thing with lots of different colors to make it bright and fun!
  7. After 15 minutes, instruct students to clean up their coloring utensils and pencils.
  8. Pass out scissors and glue.
  9. Students will cut around the outside of the pot, cutting the pot and lid apart from one another. They will then cut around the outside of the writing page, making sure to keep the tabs attached on the ends.
  10. Once the template is cut out, students will fold their writing page on the dotted lines provided.
  11. Next, glue the tabs to the back of the lid and to the back of the pot template. This will make it so that when the lid is on the pot, the writing page will be hidden making it the contents of the “thankfulness stew.”
  12. Clean up all supplies and have students gather to reflect.
  13. Allow students to share their pot with a partner or small group.

Reflection Questions

  • How did you decide who you would write your “Pot of Thankfulness” to?
  • How did you feel during this activity?
  • How does the person you wrote to make you feel?
  • What does this person do that you are most thankful for?
  • Why is it important to tell others why we are grateful for them?
  • Who are some other people that you could also write about if we did this activity again?
  • Make sure to give your “Pot of Thankfulness” to the person you wrote to and thank them for all they have done for you!