Age Group: Pre-K-5
# of Students: Minimum of 5 students, but more are welcome
Students will learn commonalities and differences of each other while playing a variation of the “Tag” game.
Large open space
Duration: 15 minutes (or longer with repeated games)
1. In a large open space, designate one wall as the “yes” wall and the wall on the opposite side of the room as the “no” wall. Then designate a circle in the center of the room as the “maybe/sometimes” area. (The “maybe/sometimes” area may need to be outlined with cones or borders.)
2. Explain the game. Instructor: “We are going to play a variation of tag while learning commonalities and differences with each other. *This* wall is the yes wall, *this* wall is the no wall, and *this* space is the maybe/sometimes area. I will choose one person to be ‘it.’ The ‘it’ will call out a category, like “cats.” The ‘it’ will yell ‘I like CATS!’ All players will then share their opinions by running to the wall they most agree with. The ‘It’ will try and tag someone. If someone is tagged, they are ‘it” and will call out a new category. The game continues as long as you want.
3. Ask for questions.
4. Have everyone start at one designated area and begin the game.
Optional variation #1: Instead of only tagging one person each round, the ‘it’ can tag as many people as they can and all of those students will be ‘its.’ The challenge with this version is that all the ‘its’ have to quickly decide on what the category will be. The ‘its’ will be replaced each round by the students they tag next.
Optional variation #2: All ‘its’ will remain ‘its’ rather than rejoining the game after tagging someone. The game is over once there is only one runner left, as everyone else has been tagged and is an ‘it.’
Reflection Questions:
1. What new thing did you learn about someone?
2. Can you think of a time when someone wasn’t respectful to you due to your difference of opinion or background?
3. How can we be respectful when someone may share a different opinion than ours?