Skills Building: Dare! A Story About Standing up to Bullying in Schools (3-5)

Unit 14 Book - Dare

Written by Erin Frankel and illustrated by Paula Heaphy

Pre- Reading Questions 

  1. When is it important to speak up for others?
  2. When it is important to speak up for yourself? 
  3. Has there ever been a time when you felt pressure to be unkind to someone even though you knew it was wrong?
  4. What is bullying? What can we do when we or someone we know is being bullied? 
  5. Why is it sometimes hard to stand up to bullies?

Post- Reading Questions

  1. Think of a time when you said something to stand up for someone else. How did it feel and what did you say? 
  2. What did you learn from this book? How did it make you feel?
  3. How did the two characters in the book feel when they decided to stand up to the bully? How did they feel before they stood up to her? 
  4. Have you ever been in a situation like the characters in the book? What did you do? What could you do if that happened in the future?

Creative Enrichment Activity: Dare to Say Something to Stop Bullying


In the books Say Something and Dare!, the readers are encouraged to stand up for themselves and for others to prevent bullying. In this activity, you will create a speech bubble to show what you can say to prevent bullying.


Duration30 minutes (for staff: 5-minute pre-activity setup, 5-minute prep)

  • 5 minutes: Introduce the activity using the book and examples.
  • 15 minutes: Students write what they would say to a bully and decorate their speech bubbles. 
  • 5 minutes: Clean up
  • 5 minutes: Reflect and share


  1. Introduce the activity using the book. 
  2. Students write what they would say to a bully and decorate their speech bubbles. Older students or staff can help younger students write. 
  3. Clean up the materials. 
  4. Reflect and share.

Reflection Questions

  • What would you say to a bully? 
  • Share your speech bubble with your neighbor. 
  • Is it difficult to stand up to bullies? Why? 
  • What can you do when you see someone being bullied?
I Say Activity