Skills Building: The Undefeated (PK-5)

Unit 13 Book - The Undefeated

Written by Kwame Alexander and illustrated by Kadir Nelson

Pre- Reading Questions 

  1. Perseverance is trying hard at something time and time again. When is a time that you have shown perseverance? 
  2. What does it mean to be undefeated?
  3. Have you ever felt defeated? How does “defeated” feel? How might “undefeated” feel? 
  4. Who do you think these people are on the cover? Do you know any of them by name?
  5. What do you think happens to them in the story?

Post- Reading Questions

  1. What is one thing that you learned in this book? 
  2. What page was your favorite and why? 
  3. How did this book make you feel? 
  4. How was perseverance shown in the book?

Creative Enrichment Activity: Perseverance Spinners


In the book The Undefeated, we read about many people who persevered and did not give up. Today you will create your own perseverance spinners to help you remember some of the strategies that you can do when you feel like you want to give up.


  • Template printed on printer paper 
  • Color pencils/crayons/markers
  • Brads (one per student)
  • Scissors

Duration35-40 minutes (for staff: 5-minute pre-activity setup, 10-minute prep)

  • 5 minutes: Introduce the activity using the book. 
  • 15 minutes: Students decorate their spinners
  • 5-10 minutes: Staff assists students with placing brads in spinners
  • 5 minutes: Clean up
  • 5 minutes: Reflect and share

Instructions for PK-2

  1. Staff should pre-cut the templates for younger students. 
  2. Introduce the activity using the book. Talk about what it means to persevere.
  3. Students decorate their pre-cut spinner pieces and draw a picture to go with each of the perseverance strategies. 
  4. Staff helps students place brads through the middle of the spinner. 
  5. Spin the spinner and look at all your new strategies!
  6. Clean up. 
  7. Reflect and share.


Instructions for 3-5

  1. Introduce the activity using the book. Talk about what it means to persevere.
  2. Older students cut out their spinner templates, staff should explain that students need to cut one slice out of the top page. 
  3. Students decorate their spinners and write a perseverance strategy for each blank piece on the bottom spinner. 
  4. Students put the spinner templates together, both face-up and fasten it with their brad. 
  5. Spin the spinner and look at all your new strategies!
  6. Clean up. 
  7. Reflect and share.

Reflection Questions for Pk-2

  • Were there any strategies on the spinner that you’ve used before? 
  • Were there any that you have NOT used before? 
  • What new strategy will you try? Share it with your neighbor. 
  • Why is it important to persevere? 


Reflection Questions for 3-5

  • How did it feel to make up new perseverance strategies?
  • Share your strategies with your neighbor.
    • Does your neighbor have different strategies from you? 
    • Did you learn any new strategies from your neighbor?
    • Were there any strategies you heard from your neighbor that you have NOT used before? 
  • Why is it important to persevere?