The goal of implementing SEL is to ensure that SEL practices and systems are firmly integrated into all operational aspects of the school. This is most likely to be achieved with a strong commitment to SEL implementation by all stakeholders and a common understanding that becoming an SEL campus is a long-term process. Our team has developed three primary implementation stages (Launching, Developing, and Sustaining) with indicators of progress at each stage. Each campus should reflect on its current status (or progress over time) through the SEL Implementation Survey to identify its implementation stage and to assist with the development of SEL goals.
A launching campus is at the beginning stages of SEL implementation and staff members are focused on learning about SEL competencies and skills, establishing systems and structures that create a climate and culture conducive to furthering SEL, and adopting the transformational mindsets necessary to implement comprehensive SEL. Depending on the results of its SEL Implementation Survey, a launching campus may not choose to begin explicit skills instruction during its first year of implementing SEL practices and approaches.
A developing campus sustains the preliminary SEL practices and systems from its initial implementation year, and focuses on refining SEL knowledge and campus-wide systems. Depending on capacity, a developing campus may begin rolling out regular, campus-wide SEL explicit skills instruction and participate in training around content integration.
A sustaining campus has reached a high-level of campus-based leadership, knowledge, and facilitation around social and emotional learning. The campus is sustaining practices and systems from previous years and drives its own SEL goal setting, planning, and progress monitoring. The SEL Steering Committee actively incorporates and monitors SEL practices on their campus, facilitates effective decision-making around campus-driven SEL goals and priorities, and intentionally guides students and staff in continual learning around SEL. Moreover, the campus develops strong partnerships with parents and, caregivers, and community partners by sharing ongoing SEL information and leading SEL-related engagement opportunities. Support from Dallas ISD’s SEL department includes SEL Coordinator-led consultation and coaching, professional development, and access to department resources.