Skills Building: Lost and Found Cat (PK-5)

Written by Doug Kuntz and Amy Shrodes and illustrated by Sue Cornelison

Pre Reading Questions

  1. Do you have a family pet? If so, what animal do you have and what is their name? How long have they been in your family and how do they make you feel?
  2. Have you ever had a pet that got lost or ran away? How did that feel and how did it affect your family?
  3. If you lost your pet, what length would you go to in order to search for and find them?
  4. Could you imagine yourself getting the whole world to work together to find your missing pet? How do you think that is possible?

Post Reading Questions

  1. Why do you think Kunkush was so important to his family?
  2. Do you think animals have feelings? How do you think Kunkush was feeling throughout his entire journey?
  3. Why do you think people around the world wanted to help reunite Kunkush with his family?
  4. If you had seen the news story of Kunkush the missing cat, would you have helped search for his family? Why or why not?

Creative Enrichment Activity: Make a Collaborative Lost Cat Poster (Pre-K-5)


In the book Lost and Found Cat: The True Story of Kunkush’s Incredible Journey, we read about a family’s long journey to a new country and the incredible story of the people who worked together to find a beloved cat, Kunkush. In this activity, you will work in small groups to create your own Lost Cat Poster. 


Lost Cat template printed on cardstock. Download template.
Cotton ball
Elmer’s glue (Note: glue sticks do not work as well on cotton balls)
Markers, crayons, color pencils

Duration: 40 minutes (for staff: 5-minute pre-activity setup, 5-minute prep)

5 minutes: Introduce the activity using the book and examples.
5 minutes: Put students in small groups (no more than 3)
20 minutes: Create Lost Cat Posters in small groups
5 minutes: Clean up
5 minutes: Reflect


  1. Introduce the activity using the book and the examples. 
  2. Assign students to small groups of no more than three people. 
  3. Tell students to speak to their teammates and work together to decide how to make your poster. 
  4. Use cotton balls and markers to make the cat and glue it to the template. Pull the cotton balls apart to add different textures. 
  5. Create a name and description for the cat and write it on the template. 
  6. Clean up the materials. 
  7. Reflect and share as a group.

Reflection Questions

  • Find another small group to share your posters. How are your posters different? 
  • How did your group collaborate and work together? 
  • What were some things that went well as you worked together? 
  • What was difficult to do as a group? 
  • Why is it important to collaborate and work together?